Want to cover all your risks for life? This is where whole life insurance comes in. Our organization provides you with various life insurance policies consisting which there are permanent life insurance policies too.

We ensure you with lifetime protection and coverage with a single policy, whole life. A whole life insurance plan is a type of insurance policy that provides insurance coverage to the policyholder, i.e., up to 100 years of age, if the policyholder pays the premiums of the policy on time.


We have specially designed a policy for you which aims to provide protection for the whole life to the policyholder. This policy provides you with death benefits along with survival and maturity benefits. You can choose from various whole life insurances provided by our organization according to your needs. They are paid out to the beneficiaries upon the policy holder’s death.

It pays death benefits and also has a savings component in which your cash can build up. Every year, you pay a premium, out of which a portion is used for protection while the rest stays invested with us. If profit is earned, you are entitled to a part of it as the bonus of the invested amount. This investment grows in value and is returned to you at the time of maturity or when you decide to withdraw. These plans give life cover for your entire life.


We provide you with insurance coverage for life. The insurance payout is made to the nominee after the death of the insured. We provide you with loaded features that come along the whole life: –
· Death Benefit: We pay the death benefit to the nominee in case the insured has passed away. We pay the total sum assured amount to the beneficiary, provided that all the premiums of the policy were timely paid.
· Guaranteed Premium: The premium interest rate for this policy is fixed throughout and does not increase or decrease during the term.
· Protection for life: Whole life is specially designed to provide protection to your family in the form of payment of guaranteed sum along with bonuses.
· Tax Benefit: The premium paid towards the policy and the maturity is tax-free.
· Loan Facilities: You can avail loan against your whole life policy after the policy has completed 3 years.


We only want the best for you. Whole life insurance, while covering risks for your entire life, also provides bonuses and advantages to your family after your death. It provides for you and protects you.
· Whole Life Coverage: The insured gets death benefits cover till 100 years of age. It protects the policyholder till death.
· Guaranteed Life Coverage: Whole life insurance provides for the protection and livelihood of the policy holder’s family even after death.
· Tax Benefits: The maturity claims and premiums are tax-free.
· Offers Facilities for Loan: We provide you with loan facilities against your policy after completion of 3 years.

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